Cube Incubation Published “Deep Dive into Deep Tech” Report


Cube Incubation team, which is the Incubation Center of Teknopark Istanbul, published their report titled ” Deep Dive into Deep Tech “.

The outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic in China at the end of 2019 and its transformation into pandemic by spreading out in a short period of time has led to, along with other serious problems and concerns, a much stronger sense of perception as to the rising technology revolution worldwide. This process has highlighted that the most critical card that the world holds to battle against such kinds of challenges is technology,  especially deeptech.

In this respect, ‘Deep Dive into Deep Tech’, which is the first study on deeptech entrepreneurship in Turkey, is at the same time one of the very limited numbers of studies worldwide.

Highlights of the Report

Still, investors gradually have been paying more attention to the companies conducting authentic scientific research. Global investment amount in sum for the deeptech categories has almost seen 18 billion USD with an increase of higher than 20% between 2015 and 2018.

When the deeptech investments are examined country by country, as expected, the dominance of the big global players stands out. Approximately 81% of the global investments on deeptech companies were realized by the USA and China from 2015 to 2018. Within this time period, deeptech investments were equivalent to 32,8 billion USD and 14,6 billion USD in the USA and China respectively.

Table 13 includes the heat map that shows the distribution of deeptech startups by sectors in Turkey. Accordingly, it can be observed that technology has been developed at most in the areas of “Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Sensors and Electronics,” which are followed by “Biotechnology”, “Artificial Intelligence, Data and Image Processing,” and “Autonomous Vehicles, Robots and Mechatronics” technologies. It is noted that deeptech startups developing technologies in the areas of “Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology” and especially “Augmented and Virtual Reality” are less as compared to other areas.

Click here for the full report

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